Dental Checkups & Cleanings Greensboro
Don’t Let Cavities Go Undetected

A healthy smile is only possible with proper dental hygiene every day. Greensboro dentist, David M. Fisher, Jr., DDS, and his dentistry team get to help you with your oral hygiene during biannual dental exams and teeth cleanings, but the other 363 days of the year, your oral health is in your hands. We are passionate about educating patients to help them achieve and maintain their healthiest smiles. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of oral health and hygiene inside our office and in your home every day. If you have questions or you need to schedule an appointment, call our Greensboro dentist and team! We look forward to seeing you soon.
Why Choose Dr. David M. Fisher, Jr. for Dental Checkups & Cleanings?
- Quality Clinical Dentistry with Attention to Detail
- Team Members Have Been with Us for Years
- Patients Treated Like Family
The Importance of Professional Teeth Cleanings

Many patients ask us if they have to receive a professional teeth cleaning if they do a good job brushing and flossing their teeth at home. The answer is yes. Even those patients who are very diligent in sticking to their oral health care routines may not remove every bit of plaque buildup. In fact, teeth have crevices and grooves that are too small for even a single toothbrush bristle to access. These areas need to be cleaned professionally. Plaque, the sticky byproduct of oral bacteria, clings to teeth following meals. When the plaque isn’t removed within 12 hours, it can begin to harden into tartar, sometimes called calculus. Patients are not able to remove tartar at home, so professional teeth cleanings are necessary to remove any calculus. Finally, these professional cleanings also allow our team members to examine your smiles for signs of developing oral health concerns and partner with you to prevent these issues.
At-Home Oral Hygiene Tips

In addition to a personalized treatment plan and in office care. Dr. Fisher and the hygienists at Fisher DDS will also help you develop an at home oral care routine that is specifically tailored to your individual needs and goals. Whether it is switching to the latest powered brush from Oral-B, incorporating a tongue scraper, or trying an oral irrigation agent like Therasol, we will make sure you go home with everything you need to maintain your oral health between visits.
Choosing the Right At-Home Dental Products

For the most part, choosing oral hygiene products comes down to personal preference. You can’t go wrong with products that have the American Dental Association seal of approval. In addition, please consider the following:
- Use soft or ultra-soft bristled toothbrushes (electric or manual)
- Use fluoridated toothpastes
- Find a floss that fits your needs – for example, use a waxed floss if you have crowded teeth and a more fibrous floss for gapped teeth
- Use mouthwashes that contain fluoride and offer antimicrobial benefits to limit the number of oral bacteria
Preventing Oral Health Concerns

Along with daily brushing, flossing, and visiting our office twice a year, there are many other steps you can take to avoid oral health concerns. Please consider them below:
- Use mouthguards as directed to protect teeth from unconscious teeth grinding and clenching (bruxism)
- Wear protective sportsguards during any athletic event or practice
- Don’t use teeth as tools to open packages or crack nuts
- Avoid chewing on fingernails, pen caps, ice, and other hard objects